Collaboration with Research Office

This morning we had a meeting with staff members of the Research Office. It was great to have a whole hour and half talk with them, all around the use of Pure, Pure Portal and Research Impact, etc. Their definition of research impact is a bit different than ours. Here it is about social and economic impact and nothing to do with academic impact / bibliometrics. They have to report (REF reporting every 6 years) on the social and economic impact of their research. The Library and the Research Office collaborate on many aspects and they have an excellent relationship with each other.

Yesterday I had time to walk a bit through the Campus and the Library and take some pictures.

Herewith a few of the campus and it's parks, it's beautiful on a sunny day!

The next few photographs is from outside and inside the Library:

Entrance of library

Screen indicating free PC's on all levels

Brochures and pamphlets on Library services

IT help desk inside the Library

That's it for now...


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