Follow our steps in Bath

It is a huge privilege for me and Alvina to visit the University of Bath during the end of April and early May. I decided to record a few notes on a daily basis and share it with colleagues on the go.

I am really excited about the programme they put together for us. It will include more or less the following:

- We will attend a general staff meeting on the first day and do presentations on Stellenbosch University and the Library and Information Service
- Sessions with the Reseach Analytics librarian to find out more about their services regarding bibliometrics, altmetrics,
- Sessions with staff involved with Research Data Management
- Sessions with different Subject Librarians
- Marketing of research services and workshops
- Discussions on ORCID and the implementation on campus
- We will attend several staff meetings related to the topic of interest (Research Services)

We will also be visiting the University of Bath Spa Library (another University in Bath) and the Bodleian Library in Oxford on our last day of our visit to the UK.

If you would like to follow the progress and my short feedback via this blog, please subscribe to the feed. (PLEASE USE CHROME OR FIREFOX browsers - the view is distorted in Internet Explorer...)


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